  1. Basic Syntax
  2. Target Specification
  3. Port Specification
  4. Scan Types
  5. Other Options
  6. Probe Options
  7. Aggregate Timing Options
    1. Interactive Options (while nmap is running)
  8. Firewall Evasion
  9. Output Formats
  10. Scripting Engine (NSE)
  11. Examples
    1. Scanning a subnet for live hosts
    2. Run a SYN (stealth) scan
    3. Run a full-open (TCP connect) scan
    4. XMAS scan
    5. ACK scan
    6. UDP Scan
    7. Intense scan
  12. NSE (Nmap Scripting Engine)
    1. HTTP Screenshot (.nse) - takes a screenshot of target webservers

Basic Syntax

nmap <options> <port> <target>

Target Specification

IPv4 address: IPv6 address: AABB:CCDD::FF%eth0 Host Name: IP address range: CIDR Block: Use list of targets from file: -iL

Port Specification

| -F | top 100 most popular ports | | --top-ports <n> | scan n of most popular ports | |-p80,443,3389 | list of ports | |-p1-65535 | range of ports | |-pU:53,T:445 | list of ports by protocol | |-r | scan linearly (1,2,3,…,65535 | |-p- | scan all ports 1-65535` |

Scan Types

  • -sn : ping scan only, skip port scan
  • -sS : TCP SYN Scan
  • -sT : TCP Connect Scan
  • -sN : TCP Null Scan
  • -sF : TCP FIN Scan
  • -sA : TCP ACK Scan
  • -sU : UDP Scan
  • -sV : Version Scan
  • -sO : IP Protocol Scan
  • -O : OS detection
  • -A : aggressive scan (enables OS and version detection, script scanning and traceroute)

Other Options

  • -T<0-5> : timing (higher is faster)
  • -Pn : skip host discovery
  • -v(vv) : verbose output
  • -R : force reverse DNS resolution
  • -n : disable reverse DNS resolution
  • -6 : IPv6 scan

Probe Options

  • -PS : TCP SYN Ping
  • -PA : TCP ACK Ping
  • -PU : UDP Ping
  • -PY : SCTP Init Ping
  • -PE : ICMP Echo Ping
  • -PP : Timestamp Ping
  • -PM : Address Mask Ping
  • -PO : Protocol Ping
  • -PR : ARP Ping

Aggregate Timing Options

  • T0 : Paranoid; very slow, used for IDS evasion
  • T1 : Sneaky; quite slow, also used for IDS evasion
  • T2 : Polite; slows down to consume less bandwidth
  • T3 : Normal; default based on target responsiveness
  • T4 : Aggressive; assumes a fast and reliable network
  • T5 : Insane; very aggressive, may overwhelm targets or miss open ports
  • --max-retries <#> : Max number of port scan probe retransmissions
  • --host-timeout <time> : Give up on target after this long (time in seconds)
  • `–min-rate <#> : Send packets no slower than <#> per second
  • `–max-rate <#> : Send packets no faster than <#> per second

    Interactive Options (while nmap is running)

  • press d to increase the debugging level
  • press D to decrease the debugging level

Firewall Evasion

  • -f : fragment packets
  • -S <ip> : spoof src ip
  • -g <port#> or --source-port : spoof src port
  • -D <ip>,<ip> : decoys
  • --spoof-mac <mac> : spoof src mac
  • --data-length <size> : append random data
  • --scan-delay <time> : adjust delay between probes

Output Formats

  • -oN <file> : standard nmap format
  • -oG <file> : greppable format
  • -oX <file> : XML format
  • -oA <file> : output each(all) of the above

Scripting Engine (NSE)

  • --script-updatedb : update the script database
  • -sC : run default scripts
  • --script=<name> : run script where is the name of the script
  • `–script= : run group of scripts where is equal to all, auth, default, discovery, external, intrusive, malware, safe or vuln
  • --script-args=arg1=va1 : append script arguments as necessary


Scanning a subnet for live hosts

# this will output all found hosts to a textfile
nmap -F -oG - | awk '/open/{print $2}' > target-hosts.txt
# ftp servers
nmap -Pn -p21 -oG - iL fastscan.txt | awk '/open/{print $2}' > ftp-hosts.txt
# ssh servers
nmap -Pn -p22 -oG - iL fastscan.txt | awk '/open/{print $2}' > ssh-hosts.txt
# http servers
nmap -Pn -p80,443 -oG - iL fastscan.txt | awk '/open/{print $2}' > http-hosts.txt
# ftp, ssh, http, mssql, rdp servers
nmap -Pn -sV -T4 -oG - -p 21,22,80,443,1433,3389 | awk '/open/{print $2}' > target-hosts.txt

Run a SYN (stealth) scan

# also known as a half-open scan because there is no completion of the three-way handshake. Can help avoid IDS
nmap -sS -T4 $target

Run a full-open (TCP connect) scan

# also known as the TCP connect and full connect scan. it runs the three-way handshake on all ports. easy to detect
nmap -sT -T4 $target

XMAS scan

# will not work on windows because windows is not RFC 793 compliant
nmap -sX -T4 $target

ACK scan

# an ACK packet is sent and header reviewed for RST packet TTL 64< (helps detect firewalls)
nmap -sA -T4 $target

UDP Scan

# slower than a TCP scan
nmap -sU -T4 $target
# can also be paired with a normal TCP scan with a particular port per protocol
nmap -sU -sT -p U:$port,T:$port $target

Intense scan

nmap -A -T4 $target
# -A : enables OS detection, version detection, script scanning and traceroute
# -T4 : enables aggressive timing

NSE (Nmap Scripting Engine)

Scripts can be invoked by name or category. (categories = all, auth, default, discovery, external, intrusive, malware, safe or vuln) Reference:

  • By default, nmap stores scripts at /usr/share/nmap/scripts/
  • A sample custom script is located at /usr/share/nmap/scripts/intro-nse.nse


# Get help info on a particular script:
nmap --script-help=$script-name

# Enumerate all ssh2 supported algorithms and ciphers:
nmap -sV --script ssh2-enum-algos -p22 $target

# Fingerprint the SSH server key:
nmap -sV --script ssh-hostkey -p22 $target --script-args ssh_hostkey=full

# Scan using default safe scripts:
nmap -sV -sC $target

# Scan for well known service vulnerabilities: (Note: this NSE script can be found at <>)
nmap -sV --script vulners $target

# Scan using all scripts in the category "vuln":
nmap -sV --script vuln $target

# Scan using a set of scripts (using wildcard):
nmap -sV --script smb* $target

HTTP Screenshot (.nse) - takes a screenshot of target webservers

  • Download and install the http-screenshot.nse script from github:
    # clone from github
    git clone git://
    # copy the script to the default nmap scripts directory
    sudo cp Nmap-Tools/NSE/http-screenshot.nse /usr/share/nmap/scripts/
  • Perform a scan with the http-screenshot script enabled:
    nmap -Pn -T4 -p80 -A --script=http-screenshot -iL target-ip-list.txt
    • OPTIONAL: It is helpful to compile all of the screenshots of the servers in a network into one HTML page for easier viewing. This can be done with the following script:
      > vi
        printf "<HTML><BODY><BR>" > port-80-screenshots.html
        ls -1 *.png | awk -F : '{ print $1":"$2"\n<BR><IMG SRC=\""$1"%3A"$2"\" width=400><BR><BR>"}' .>> port-80-screenshots.html
        printf "</BODY></HTML>" >> port-80-screenshots.html
      > chmod u+x
      > ./
      # that's it! Now you can serve the HTML page to yourself